
Content Caffeine

My team and I have been helping brands reach their SEO traffic and conversion goals through content and links for over 10 years. Recognized by industry leaders and household brands as an authority in both organic content and digital PR.

cover design for a template titled 14 elements to include in your content brief
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Content Caffeine #24: Tips on digital PR for SEO, Mediavine slams AI content, the state of Search

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. Are you ready for the last quarter of 2024? It's a great opportunity to double down on your SEO and marketing efforts, and get in good shape for 2025. To help you out, I'm sharing a template that makes it easier to create effective blog content: 14 elements to include in your content brief. You'll find the link below. See you next time,Nicole P.S. Did you miss my last newsletter? Catch up on what I discovered...

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. I truly appreciate your replies to my last newsletter. You asked for it, so I've dug into what Google disclosed about queries and ranking in their trial documents. There was a boatload of info in the 93 documents I read! Hopefully, the key points below (together with my comments) help you plan your SEO and content strategies for the coming months. See you next time,Nicole P.S. I read and enjoy all your emails....

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. Would you like an inside look at how Google handles Search? I found dozens of details 'hiding' in the Google antitrust trial documents, so I'm sharing a couple of my insights below. Reply with "Yes" and you'll get more in the next newsletter. That letter will arrive after Labor Day, so I wish you a great long weekend with your family and friends. See you next time,Nicole P.S. Did a friend or colleague forward...

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. Today, I'm sharing our latest poll results (below). But first… Holy moly! Google lost the antitrust trial! (Check the comments on my post). Google will appeal, but I'll give you my opinion on the situation soon. See you next time,Nicole P.S. Drop a question re the Google lawsuit on this post and I'll give you my thoughts in the next newsletter. Thank you! Poll Results Thanks for your feedback. I'll keep fine...

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. Just a quick note: Today, I wanted to give you the results of the poll I included in my last newsletter. But there were too few votes (8 people) to help me form any opinions. Could you do me a favor, please? Before you leave today, will you check a box in the poll below? It will help me improve your newsletter. Thanks! In this issue: Next update may help HCU-impacted sites Key points from the AI Overview report...

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. Every time I write this newsletter, I aim to give you a selection of stories, news, and reports you'll enjoy. When you've read today's issue, would you please check a box in the poll I've added below? (Scroll to the end to vote). That will help me improve your newsletter. Thanks! In this issue: Perplexity is a BS machine The web is short on quality content Beyond Google: Tips to optimize for search on other...

Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. My opinions are sometimes controversial, but they're always honest! In today's main story, you'll see my thoughts on the anchor mismatch demotion and valuing links. Since I won't be publishing next week, I want to wish you a great July 4th. Enjoy your celebrations with family and friends! In this issue: How to value links after the leak Pitching journalists for Digital PR A $1,000,000 SEO budget See you next...


Content Caffeine For content-obsessed marketers and SEOs Hi there, Welcome back. A few weeks ago, I mentioned I was working on something new. Well, this is it! Below, you'll see a complete redesign of your newsletter. It's a new, shorter format, and I've also made space for you to share your news, resources or results. In this issue: Why I believe 'the leak' is a big deal LLMs don't want your content to perform The old SEO playbook vs the new SEO playbook And more... See you next time, Nicole...

Content Caffeine: a newsletter for the content-obsessed. Hi everyone! We’re working on a new initiative at the agency so this week’s issue is on the shorter side. I'm covering the most important headlines here. News & Analysis March Core Update is still rolling out. When Google announced this update on March 5th, it said it would likely last 3 to 4 weeks. According to the Google status dashboard, it’s still rolling out 5 weeks later.And the community continues to see volatility. A site seeing...

Content Caffeine: a newsletter for the content-obsessed. Hi everyone! Once again, there’s a lot to talk about. It’s been a hectic couple of weeks. I try to touch on the critical stuff to give you more than just the headlines.If it’s too much or too little, please let me know what I could do better or differently. News & Analysis Google Spam Update is done rolling out The spam update finished rolling out on March 20, 2024. Lily Ray started following Craigslist queries a few months back to...